Lewis Dorsey

Amsterdam’s Innovative Approach to Sustainably Manage Tourist Influx

In a bold move to address the challenges of over-tourism, Amsterdam has implemented a prohibition on the establishment of new hotels within its city limits. This strategic decision is part of a comprehensive plan aimed at preserving the city’s charm…

What caused the UAE rain?

In a surprising twist of weather events, Dubai recently found itself grappling with an unusual amount of rainfall, leading to widespread speculation and curiosity about the origins of this unexpected weather phenomenon. The bustling city, known for its arid climate…

Has the restoration of Notre-Dame been completed?

Paris, the city of lights, has witnessed the triumphant resurgence of one of its most iconic landmarks. The Notre-Dame Cathedral, which suffered a devastating blaze in April 2019, has finally shed its scaffolding and restoration wraps, standing once again in…

Qatar Airways Escapes Legal Action in Australia Over Controversial Passenger Examinations

In a recent turn of events, Qatar Airways has sidestepped a potentially damaging lawsuit in Australia linked to the invasive physical examinations of female passengers. The incident, which sparked international outrage, involved women being subjected to compulsory checks at Doha…

What bridge does the NYC Marathon cross?

In the grand tapestry of New York City’s vibrant events, the NYC Marathon stands out as a testament to human endurance, unity, and the spirit of competition. At the heart of this monumental event lies the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge, not just…

Balmoral Castle: A Royal Sanctuary Now Shared

In a move that intertwines generosity with personal resilience, King Charles has made the historic decision to grant public access to Balmoral Castle, the royal family’s Scottish retreat. This gesture comes at a time when the monarch is courageously facing…

How do you stay safe when using public transport?

In the bustling arteries of cities worldwide, public transportation serves as the lifeblood, ferrying millions to their destinations daily. Yet, amidst the convenience and efficiency, safety concerns linger, prompting travelers to adopt vigilant practices. This guide distills essential strategies for…

What does departure punctuality mean?

Punctuality, a seemingly simple concept, holds profound significance in various aspects of life. Whether in personal relationships, professional settings, or daily routines, the ability to be punctual speaks volumes about an individual’s reliability, respect for others’ time, and overall efficiency….

What are the new restrictions in Japan?

In an ever-evolving global landscape, countries worldwide are continually adjusting their travel restrictions and guidelines to safeguard public health while facilitating international mobility. Japan, known for its meticulous approach to public safety and health, has recently updated its travel restrictions…

The Secret Life of Trevi Fountain’s Coins

In the heart of Rome, amidst the architectural marvels that dot the city, lies the Trevi Fountain, a masterpiece that has captured the imaginations and hearts of millions. This Baroque wonder is not just a feast for the eyes but…